Scrayingham Parish Council

Parish Council Information


Scrayingham Parish Council Members

Scrayingham Parish Council has 7 Parish Councillors (1x vacancy) covering Scrayingham and Leppington villages;

Jo Booth (Chair)

Bridge End Farm, Scrayingham, YO41 1JD

07876 233947

Phil Jones (Vice Chair) 

Mill Cottage, Leppington, Malton, YO17 9RN 

07918 025505

Stuart Wood

Hugo Hildyard

Nigel Prewett

Ian Wilson

Councillor (TBA. Position vacant)

Clerk/ Responsible Financial Officer duties currently being fulfilled by the Chair.


Our Role

The area of Scrayingham and Leppington is served by a small body of local government known as Scrayingham Parish Council. The Parish Council are there to;

  •  undertake work on behalf of the Parish Residents
  • help with local issues, often by taking them to the local agencies and authorities (District Council, Highways, Police etc)
  • work proactively on local issues such as those of improvement, flooding, traffic and recreation
  • comment on local planning applications
  • meet 4 to 5 times a year 
  • manage the spending of the 'precept' on behalf of Parishioners. (The Precept is a tax charged on each property in the parish to fund the parish council. It is used to fund all the activities that the parish council undertakes for the benefit of the community. It is a small part of the Council Tax paid)


Future Meetings

Below are future Scrayingham Parish Council meeting dates. 

All meetings are to be held at The Reading Room, Leavening, YO17 9SA unless notified otherwise.

Meetings will commence at 19:00hrs, with the exception of PC Annual Meetings (starting at 18:30hrs) which will be immediately  followed by Annual Meetings of the Parish (starting at 19:30hrs).

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings.


2023 2024 2025
06/02 05/02 10/02
19/04 22/04 13/05 (Annual Meetings)
15/05 (Annual Meetings) 13/05 (Annual Meetings) 08/07
05/06 Open meeting Yorkshire Water 03/07/24 Schoolhouse, Scrayingham 02/09
04/09 08/07 02/12
04/12 02/09

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